"Thoughts are free and subject to no rule. On them rests the freedom of man, and they tower above the light of nature...create a new heaven, a new firmament, a new source of energy from which new arts flow."


Sunday, August 16, 2009

I am just not Lucky Enough

“I didn’t get a job, because I am not lucky”
“I am not lucky enough to earn a raise”
“I am not lucky to win this game”
“I am not lucky to win a lottery”-may be true

We often say these words and blame our luck for every situation, but we never realize the real facts that has lead us to that unpleasent situation. We blame our luck if something adverse happens with us. I myself blame destiny and bad luck, sometimes. Blaming others, somehow gives us a kind of consolation to cover up our actions and wrongdoings which lead to that undesirable happening and then instead of blaming ourselves we just say “it’s my bad luck” and then instead of taking any actions to counteract and improve upon it we just sit back and wait for the luck to get better. This is how we become victims of destiny and life.

On the contrary, when Good things happen, it’s just only about us, our skills that lead to success, we like to praise us, self-reinforcing our own pride and arrogance. It’s rarely ever, "am I lucky” and it’s never "thank God". It’s only "thank God" when a disaster is avoided, not when un-instigated good things happen.

It’s always good to think of reasons, but rather than blaming our luck we must take the responsibility of everything that happens to us and if we do this we will feel immense power which will turn us from a helpless victim to a sure shot winner. Although, It takes a lot of efforts and courage to take the blame on us and taking the responsibility but once we do it the rest of the task to accomplish something gets easy. We have the complete control on how we react to things ( in this case our luck) and we must use it to our advantage.
Taking the responsibility makes us action oriented. We know it’s us who has to do something about it instead of waiting for situation or luck to change and once we take that action we will see our mind working toward the solution and finally towards making us a winner. There is no such thing as a foreseeable future however; we can set ourselves up to make sound decisions.
Remember, no one can be blamed for luck, good or bad. So next time if something bad happens to you, just don’t blame your luck and be called a victim of destiny, rather gather your positive THOUGHTS and put those Thoughts into good actions, it’s in your hands to change your luck the way you want it as “Luck favors the prepared, not the beaten”.


  1. I'd like to add my $0.02 here. We do not pay enough attentions to our actions and hence end up saying "I wasn't lucky enough to get this". The truth is, we are not attentive enough to recognize the importance of the moment we are in and let it go casually.

  2. Thanks SM for adding your million$$ advice.Its true.

