"Thoughts are free and subject to no rule. On them rests the freedom of man, and they tower above the light of nature...create a new heaven, a new firmament, a new source of energy from which new arts flow."


Sunday, November 1, 2009

300 Mistakes and Counting..............

I Recently read Chetan Bhagat’s “The 3 mistakes of my life” a story about three down the street, regular out of college struggling young boys with different passions but similar motive, the motive to help a young boy succeed. In the story the characters have to deal with religious politics, earthquake, riots, unacceptable love and their own mistakes and the mistakes of others. The book has some real life events and the main premise revolve around those events. It is a good and engaging read right from the very beginning but in the end it becomes a little vague and feels like as if one is reading a movie script. I STRONGLY recommend “The Three Mistakes of my life”. It’s heartening and feel-good. Do give it a try if you’re down with a bad mood and I’m sure it’ll lift your spirits.

After reading the book, I kind of felt that it pointed out some mistakes within our theoretically diversified, yet single minded society, our complex system and us as individuals. This book made the youth wary of some things which we take for granted. I also felt that it made some points the country is, or was going through at the time the book was written:

1. Smaller town people Vs Big city miscreants
2. Conservative mentality of people
3. Extremism in politics and Religion
4. Prejudice towards agnostics and atheists
5. Poverty amongst the brighter lower-middle class
6. Money is power and power is success
7.Unprotected sex without worrying about the consequences
8.Offbeat ideas receive suppression
9. Lack of sports education/infra-structure in schools and colleges
10. Completely study oriented schools
11. Businesses are extremely risky
12. Swanky malls with poor construction designs
13. Drift between religions, castes and age groups
14. Conservative and Stereotyped mentality of parents
15. Hypocrisy among public, politicians, and everyone alike
16. Lack of awareness, foresight and ideas due to lack of quality education
17. Smaller schools lack funds and money in everything
18. Heavy mugger-friendly curriculum
19. People just want to earn, and passion for anything is dead
20.Prodigies and talented folks are mostly unrecognized and all that dies away as unharnessed potential
21. Male dominated society
22. Selfishness and greed
23. Blind love causing drifts
24. Giving too much importance to cricket trhan other sports
25. Blaming others for your failures
26. Harming innocent people for your self-interests
27. Moral wrongdoings

Well, these were some 30 mistakes I could think of the 3 mistakes of my life had pointed out, there are plenty and I can go on; maybe write another book following this one but I personally believe that mistakes can be the most powerful teachers you will ever have. Success can be more gratifying, but it is often the mistakes that show you the need for new values and behaviors that will make the greatest difference in your life. Mistakes help you learn what works and what doesn’t work. The day you realize that you have committed a mistake that day is your first step of the process to success. For example Children will keep falling and getting up until they finally learn to walk. They are not afraid of falling, because their mistakes are part of the process. Make room in your life for mistakes and you will know the value of success and enjoy it when it comes to you.
I myself have committed mistakes all the time in all shapes and sizes of different shades and my count just not stops at 3, it’s probably 300 and counting………….

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