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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Obama Vs McCain Healthcare Reforms in a nutshell

With Presidential elections less than sixty days away here is an overview of both the candidates Health reforms for Americans. Both have their Pros and cons, whoever wins have to fix the 1.6 trillion dollar industry.
Affordable national plan based on Congress's own insurance, available to small businesses and individuals without coverage.
Create national regulator to ensure that private insurance plans are fairly priced and available to all. Medicaid and existing employer plans untouched.
Pay for it by levying a payroll tax on any employer not providing insurance; subsidize some small businesses and exempt the smallest businesses and startups.
Universal coverage mandate for children only.

Make health insurance portable from job to job across state lines; work with states to create guaranteed-access plans.
Offer families without coverage through jobs a $5,000 tax credit ($2,500 for individuals) toward the cost of private insurance.
No universal coverage mandate.

Propose a variety of cost-cutting schemes, such as re importation of generic drugs, investing in information technology to drive efficiency, and medical-liability tort reform.

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