"Thoughts are free and subject to no rule. On them rests the freedom of man, and they tower above the light of nature...create a new heaven, a new firmament, a new source of energy from which new arts flow."


Friday, July 31, 2009

An Incident which made me think

There are a few incidents in your life which seem like normal and you let them pass on with your everyday busy life, but if you give them a thought they leave a lasting impression and could change the way you perceive things.

Something like that happened with me a few days back. It was a hot summer busy day I was going to volunteer at a community hospital to help poor patients. I was infuriated because of the heat, so I thought of getting myself some energy drink, I looked around and saw a Jamba Juice shop a few feet away. I licked my lips and swamped over the NYC crowd to get to the other side of the road. I was acting as if I just came from a desert.

Just as I was about to order, a middle aged man came to me begging for some money. This was the last thing I wanted and I looked over to the other side completely ignoring his scruffy appearance and torn clothes. I was least interested in this person at this time and moved forward to order my sunshine delight.

What I saw next completely took me by surprise. There was this young teenager who gave his drink to that man without the beggar even asking that young teen for any help. I felt ashamed of myself and thought, what’s the use of me going to volunteer and help a few hundred people when I can’t help this one person. It was too late now and I drank over my guilt with my sunshine delight.

Well, I know it is hard to help each and everyone, but lend a hand when you can and where you can and pride yourself in helping others. Make it a point to do some good deed every day, or make someone smile because that smile will make your life worth living, try! And come back here and share it with others. And if you have a story which left a lasting impression on you or made you think please share it too.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a very good thing you pointed out even when it was your own experience and you could have very well chose to not mention this not so thoughtful act. I must say it needs a lot of courage to accept our own mistakes and when and where we are selfish. Most of the people tend to deny that they are selfish. I must appreciate and second you on your point. Cheers!!!

