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Thursday, July 9, 2009

My PACE Story

Last Month I was chosen to write an article about my self in my University's Alumni monthly newsletter " PACE Alumni E-connect"

My Pace Story

Rahul Aran ‟09
When I was a young boy, I wanted to be an airline pilot or navigator so I could travel the world. Coming from a family of healthcare professionals where my father is a cardiologist and my mother is a nutritionist, I have watched the delivery of healthcare very closely and constantly felt that patient care in todays hospital environment goes beyond the clinical aspects of not just treating patients but also giving emphasis to a more holistic experience. Therefore, I decided to pursue a career as a regulator of healthcare policies.

I am passionate about helping people and want to create a foundation of which to build a healthy community. I desire to be a driving force in designing and implementing an efficient and cost effective management solution in the healthcare delivery system.

In my mind, NYC was where I wanted to be to continue developing my knowledge base and skills in healthcare. Also, I believed NYC held many advantages with its rich diverse population and multiple opportunities. Upon my arrival in the city, I immediately started my search for a University that would offer me an advanced degree in healthcare. Only two institutions satisfied my needs, NYU and PACE. In my attempt to gather information from NYU, I got as far as their Admissions Office. Even though NYU is a notable institution, my decision to attend PACE rested on three things: a personal recommendation, an open communication with faculty and a flexible program schedule.

My first contact with Pace was through my friend he suggested that I give Pace a try. I found that there were no barriers between Pace faculty and my inquiries. At the time of my search, Dr. Brian Nickerson was the director of the MPA program at Pace. I truly appreciated the opportunity to speak with him prior to making any decisions.

A few short weeks ago, I received my MPA graduate degree from Pace University. It was a very proud moment for my family. My parents flew in from far east and other family members who live in New Jersey attended.

I have held several jobs from an analyst to a researcher with both large and small companies. Each job experience has enriched my network of professional and personal contacts. I am thankful for the innumerable support and opportunities both at the academic and professional levels received at Pace University. I look forward to a lifelong connection with my alma mater. If you are interested in discussing healthcare policies, visit my blog at www.kingcorp.blogspot.com

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